State of the Game Week 14

Letter from Max Schaefer, Early Access gifts are here, and known issues after the recent update.

Check out our Discord, Facebook, Twitter, and Twitch to get the latest development news and updates.



Hello Torchlight III community,


We recently just released another massive patch ”An Update for Dummies” full of content updates, tuning, quality of life improvements, and bug fixes. We are currently scouring the web and our Support Center for feedback and bugs in preparation for launch and have even begun very early conversations and content planning for post-launch updates.


As a team, we’ve been working hard to prepare a launch for several platforms, multiple languages, and for players all around the world. We are excited to bring new adventurers to the frontier who will be experiencing it for the first time and to expand on the content that already exists in the game once we launch.


We are getting closer and closer to that day and soon we'll be revealing the details about the last wipe and a launch date. It’s taken several years to get to this point, and we are incredibly proud to bring the third installment of the Torchlight series to life.


Our community has been a core part of the game’s creation during its development process. From the business model to end game updates, our players have been pivotal in helping us to succeed; we are very much looking forward to having you alongside us at launch and beyond. It has been a core strategy of ours to put the game in front of our community very early, warts and all, which entails a certain amount of risk and trust. Our community came through for us, and we are eternally grateful for their passion, their hours spent giving us quality feedback, and even when the feedback was negative, it came from a love of the Torchlight franchise, and that’s exactly what we wanted and needed. 


We hope that each update during Early Access has shown our commitment to making Torchlight III a great successor in the series.  We have every intention of working on this project for as long as the community support for the game exists. We know we still have work to do and there are a few notable bugs that went out in this most recent update, but overall, and with your help, we have made massive improvements and progression during Early Access and we can’t thank you enough for that.


I’ll see you again… soon


- Max


P.S. EARLY ACCESS GIFTS HAVE ARRIVED! You can find them in your Mailbox by pressing escape to get to your options menu.




We are always in a continuing process to scrub and review bugs that have been reported to our Support Center, but we wanted to highlight a few of the most critical, highly reported, and consistent issues players are still encountering and any updates we might have for those specific problems. This is not an exhaustive or complete list of reported issues.


The best way for us to resolve an issue is with visual/audio reporting (screenshots, audio, video), logs, debug info, and reproducible steps. Other useful information might include: if you were playing in a party, if you noticed any additional strange behavior, if others have experienced the same issue, etc.

(It is better to upvote a current/existing bug or suggestion than to create a new, duplicate ticket.)

  • You can send additional information, like logs, to with your Nolt link in the body of the email.
  • You can discuss bugs on Discord, but they may not get a full review without a Nolt ticket, debug info, logs, or other details.




  • Players are reporting that Charge Based Skills are not working properly.
  • Players are reporting that Heat and Endurance gauges can get stuck.
  • Players have reported that Mimics are still not totally hidden via nameplates.
  • Railmasters are reporting problems with their trains either disappearing or feeling clumsy.
  • Reports of forts disconnecting after placing objects like the Luck Tree or Grindy Mill.
  • Australian servers are still not up. We are getting very close!